Reminder: The NEW YORK Yankees are beating the snot out of the Brewers who Fat thinks are the best team in the league. Yesterday 15-3, Today 11-4.


Dan Mullen touched my PP at The Galway Pub


I was only jokin'
I always thought the Brewers were a lame fag team but now I fucking hate them with a passion because of Patrick.
Back when Ryan Braun was playing for them, a relative of mine would say that his city's team "sent the Jew crew to the showers" every time they beat the Brewers. Always gave me a good chuckle.

Rick being from their loser town gives me an extra reason to root against the bastards.
Him failing to to name the Manager of the Brewers at the time in a trivia game was a perfect snapshot of what a shitty sports fan he is.
He played for them for like 6 seasons too. It's not like he was just some dork promoted out of the minor league staff, he was a well known former player of the organization. But, let's give the Pigman a break, he's only been a fan for his entire ADULT life.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He played for them for like 6 seasons too. It's not like he was just some dork promoted out of the minor league staff, he was a well known former player of the organization. But, let's give the Pigman a break, he's only been a fan for his entire ADULT life.

Pat had to be told that he didnt need to eat everything off the hot wing.



Back when Ryan Braun was playing for them, a relative of mine would say that his city's team "sent the Jew crew to the showers" every time they beat the Brewers. Always gave me a good chuckle.

Rick being from their loser town gives me an extra reason to root against the bastards.
Once they caught this asshole cheating he stunk up the league.