Which one of you fuckers is bobo

He recently was harassed by cart simps
I hate cart simps, but Perry stinks as a person too... it's a tough one maan.

I did pickup a fun insult from that cart narcs thing; some guy said 'bite the bag dude', that made me loff more than it should & I was looking for someone to insult all day, eventually I had to hit my friend with it. I like the presupposition that you're already sucking my cock, but if you don't like it 'bite the bag dude'.
Still, fuck you cart simps!


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
I just like the way this thread went from 'why are you listening to that faggot' to nah, I only like this one inside joke thing , and then its like, oh yeah that's actually really funny


Whats the matter lazybones? Dont like cart narcs?

The fuck you mean lazy? Pushing your cart all the way to the end of the parking lot and walking back to your car is the opposite of lazy. Taking the time to think about how ones actions affects others is the opposite of lazy. You joking or somethin? The fuck?