You sound particularly faggy today. However, you've raised some good points but the cumulation of your hysterical gayness is something like this: "Do you really think they or (((THEY))) would hand it over so easy?"...And you're right: They haven't made it easy. In fact, Robinhood coordinated with the HTF's and the DTCC to suspend the fucking BUY button, the date of the first GME run-up.
But since then, the NSCC and the DTCC have put in place rules and regulations to guard against this happening again (retail occupying heavily shorted stocks), while trying to wrap this thing up. They're open to lending money to HTF's by allowing them to use their long positions as collateral, this way HTF's don't have to sell off their long blue chips en masse for capital, potentially causing a market crash. And then there's the increase in margins (as per NSCC-006) up to 250k a share I believe. They want this thing done with already, before the bill is way too unmanageable. AND the smart money have bought in hard on AMC and GME, as I've said in this thread a thousand times already. Huge institutions; one of them basically owns almost everything on this planet. And retail has since gotten wise to Robinhood and PFOF brokers, as they're moving their funds en masse to Fidelity and other non-PFOF brokers. Could the same level of fuckery happen at Fidelity? Sure. But who would want to deal with the massive amounts of lawsuits that would come their way from retail holders, big and small, over that fuckery?
Plus: The government is ramping up their 37% capital gains tax move, as this MOASS shit gets ready to start. They're not going to get the full amount of what these institutions owe in taxes after all this, because said institutions have the tax system down pat. BUT THEY WILL get it from millions and millions of investors who are now new millionaires, who aren't tax savvy when it comes to being rich. Almost 50% of taxes per new rich person, when you include State. If so many people are now thrust into the upper class and stay there; that's a new tax base for the Dems to milk, and we all know how much they love doing that and how intent they are to stay in those seats forever and ever. The Fed gets their money back from the taxes they collect from us, and the government gets to shake us down every year for a bigger percent.
Yes there's still al lot of things that can happen on the way to the MOASS or even during. YES: We could all be screwed somehow. But it's too big to keep ignoring, and to some degree, the institutional money know this.