Wha happen, moo?

CuntFucker .

Ben Bowder look-alike

Still from a David Lynch moovie

Mimi Beardsley

She’s a real cock softener.
Just what everyone here expected his cruise to be: Brother Joe playing background music to 60 and 70 year olds trying to have conversations while people wander through on their way to somewhere else.

Exactly. He is literally aural wallpaper for the passengers. His real job is not playing musak as much as he is expected to mingle and schmooze it up with the guests. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tapped him to be a tour guide too. Basically a wrangler so passengers don’t stray away from the guided tours.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Exactly. He is literally aural wallpaper for the passengers. His real job is not playing musak as much as he is expected to mingle and schmooze it up with the guests. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tapped him to be a tour guide too. Basically a wrangler so passengers don’t stray away from the guided tours.
Interesting theory but I think it’s too risky for the cruise company. Joseph can’t help but make racist comments or insinuations. Look at his face here, it says it all:

The nerve and arrogance of this old fuck to talk about peoples’ appearances when he walked around a European city like this, in the Canaries, is hilarious.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Exactly. He is literally aural wallpaper for the passengers. His real job is not playing musak as much as he is expected to mingle and schmooze it up with the guests. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tapped him to be a tour guide too. Basically a wrangler so passengers don’t stray away from the guided tours.

I wonder if he cries inside, like a diabetic, never-was Jackie Martling.

Clap! Why don't you CLAP! UHHHHHHHH you Jew bastards! AAAHHHHH-HHHEEEYYYYYYYY!


Exactly. He is literally aural wallpaper for the passengers. His real job is not playing musak as much as he is expected to mingle and schmooze it up with the guests. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tapped him to be a tour guide too. Basically a wrangler so passengers don’t stray away from the guided tours.
I'd be surprised if it's all he's expected/paid to do. They could literally play elevator music over the tannoy at no reduction in quality, just cost. He's not engaging or pleasing to look at, so it's not like having some high energy theatre fag or pretty lounge singer performing. Just a slovenly old fart playing barely adequate "easy listening" dreck with his mouth open. There's no way he's not tasked with something else he's too embarrassed to reveal - putting away deck chairs or running a bingo night or something.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
They could literally play elevator music over the tannoy at no reduction in quality, just cost. He's not engaging or pleasing to look at, so it's not like having some high energy theatre fag or pretty lounge singer performing.
This isn't a dig against Brotha Joe specifically, but a woman with a pleasant voice in these background noise type gigs seems preferable 100% of the time. The role exists to add ambiance/pleasantry and some old dude trying to insert himself into your surroundings is just annoying.

In this case, the cruise line has mitigated some of the issues by keeping the music at a reasonable volume. You know he wants to blast people's heads off like he's in a Long Island sports bar, but he's expressly forbidden.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
@Gay Faggot. How’s the cruise going? Surprised you haven’t jumped into one of the Moo threads to correct the inaccuracies
Haven’t had much time I usually just peruse through Joe’s nonsense quickly. I will say, I would pay good money for Joe’s name tag from the cruise. Top dollar, like a custom ivory gun grip, or trump memorabilia.