WWAW the blob anomaly at Bouvet Island?



Sounds like you're part of the cool exclusive clique here at onaforums

The Tranny Manlet Mafia strikes again...
No even worse. He’s like that because he’s resisting “our ancestors”. The Greeks and Romans knew you couldn’t just improve your mind but your body as well. Those ancient philosophers didn’t have titties like him. Instead he’s content laying around, not working out, and dulling his mind with psychiatric drugs + baby games.
sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind, eh?
I do post pics & I think I look aiight... but one wrong angle & I might get ^^that^^, I wouldn't like that.

I didn't see his pic, but was it bad?


I'm the girl u needed in Jr. High
You try so hard, I create 300 page threads on a whim and bring action to the forums. You hate that.

300 replies not posts.

And 200 of them are just you and Dennis going "if you don't blindly believe in my bullshit you're a smug liberal cunt" and reposting "smug liberal cunt" pictures you downloaded from 4chan.

Joe's False Teethers

Moo moo moo moo
You guys are arguing with a rabid Jew-hater. He would gladly backflip into a wood chipper if it meant making a Jew somewhere stub his toe. Don't bother trying to assign logic to his retarded ramblings. He listed despotic shithole nations known for human rights abuses as freedom fighters lol.
Nice being Jewish, stupid