Anthony was so sheltered for so long. Driving into midtown from Long Island, Po parks his car, Po gets his car. He only started complaining about "the city" once he starting having to take the LIRR and commute. He's seeing now what everyday NY'ers have been seeing for 40 years. I used to roll through Penn Station at 4:45am. Nothing is "different". Nothing has "changed". There's always going to be crackheads in the city. There's always going to be homeless in the city. He's only seeing it now, that he doesn't have "people" to shelter him from it all.
Since Trejo Cheeks loves using crime data, let's play that game.
Never heard a peep in 2000. 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005... According to this, NYC was WORSE back then.
Murders, down. Rape, down. Car theft, down. Three dudes rolling on fent by Penn Station, and NYC IN DISTRESS!!!!! All coming from a guy who used to freebase, but that was OK since there were to phone cameras back then? I guess?